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Technology Research and Development               


Neural Sciences International (NSI)

Technology Research and Development of Concussion
and TBI Mitigation to Protect the Human Brain


For the past seven years Neural Sciences International, ( NSI ) has been performing Research and Development of Concussion and TBI Mitigation Technology. The personnel performing this research range from Computer Scientists, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Doctors and Software Programmers.

The major challenge is to help protect both our Warriors in our Military and Athletes from head trauma. This problem of TBI has been around for years and has recently become a major challenge and topic of great discussion of how to help prevent this major injury. There is no absolute means to prevent head injury. NSI technology now provides significantly greater protection.

The Primary Point of Concern:

Although our Brain is Bio-Physically able to take significant punishment from impacts there is a limit to what it can take. All Brains are not alike meaning there is a unique tolerance threshold per individual. Inside of the skull, the Brain is surrounded in a sack ( Meninges ) filled with Spinal Fluid which helps to soften a blow to the head. Continual blows to the head cause a build-up of scar tissue in the spinal fluid sack and in time causes the cushion effect to diminish. The effect of continual impacts to the head, not always in the same location causes the threshold or protection ability of the Meninges to be reduced and allow the peak energy impact spikes at the point of contact, to go to the Brain.

Today's helmet indeed does provide some protection to the head from fractures and contusions. The problem we face is there is a limit to how much a helmet can absorb an impact and provide protection from TBI. The impact energy goes through the helmet pads to the Brain in 1-1.2 milliseconds. That is very fast and it is hard to keep this impact energy below a normal Brain concussion threshold.

A concussion does not always take place from a direct impact to the head. Our Warriors can get concussions from explosions and not always from rocks or debris hitting the helmet. An explosion will cause a shock wave which compresses the blood vessels and lungs in the body, driving the blood to the head expanding the blood vessels and sometimes causing hemorrhaging. How close the Warrior is to the explosion indicates how intense the damage to the Brain.

NSI’s years of Research and Development of Concussion & TBI injury mitigation have now opened the door to a new method of protection. The new mitigation helmet liner system can replace the typical cushion pads in most all helmets. The Impact Mitigation System is comprised of electronic sensors and micro-processors which analyze the impact intensity and location on the helmet, and instantly decay the energy from being transferred to the Brain. It is being tested to reduce a “G” force from 150 G’s to 40 G’s and below. This is the technology of tomorrow here today.